How To Talk To Women – Conversation Pointers

how to talk to women

Many of my customers and students have questions about how to talk to women in a way that turns them on. The bottom line is, they want to find out what they can say to make women feel turned on. I always tell these folks, before you learn the ideal words to seduce women and figure out what to talk about with a girl, you need to be aware of the words and language to avoid.

For example, one of the worst things you can do when talking to women is come off as a “needy” guy. Most men don’t realize that they are coming across “needy” when talking to a woman. Women, however, pick up on this vibe very quickly — almost instantly. She can very quickly tell that you’re trying too hard to impress her. The reality is that when a girl gets the sense that you’re trying to impress her, it has the opposite effect — it actually turns her off, because you’re coming across as a low-value guy.

How To Talk To Women – Conversation Tips

Women are not attracted to guys that come across as insecure. If you seem like a nervous wreck, there is simply no way she is going to feel any sexual attraction. (If anything, you’re repelling her.) A woman expects a man to be powerful, confident, and secure with himself. If you’re clearly lacking confidence or nervous — or if she senses that you’re trying to FAKE confidence — she will tune out almost immediately. She might keep talking to you out of politeness, but she’s not going to feel any attraction.

If you come across to girls as being BORING, that’s another way to quickly make them lose interest. If you’re talking a woman you need to know how to keep the conversation fun. If you find yourself struggling to fill awkward silences, asking her boring and predictable “interview” questions (“So where are you from?” “What do you do for fun?” etc), it’s a safe bet that the girl you’re talking to is going to tune out pretty quickly.

Here’s another way that guys screw up when they talk to women: they don’t display any social intelligence. You’re probably wondering what “social intelligence” means, so let me explain. Women are social creatures. And they blindly follow the social “norms.” One of the fastest ways to make a girl think you are “below” her is to seem like you have no idea what is cool or socially acceptable. An easy way to do display a lack of social intelligence while talking to a woman is to make an inappropriate comment, not take the “cues” she is sending you, or continually tell jokes that no one finds funny.

Look, when you consider the huge number of options that a pretty girl has — and how much attention she receives from men — you can’t blame these chicks for not wanting to waste their time with a guy who is insecure, weak, needy, boring or just plain clueless. (You can flip it around and ask yourself, would YOU want to hook up with a girl who had those qualities?)

Now let’s discuss…

How can you turn women ON with your words and personality?

The main thing to keep in mind is that you want to talk to girls in a way that brings out their flirty, fun and playful side. There is a song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun…” and the song is correct. This is especially true if you’re talking to a woman in a bar. She is there to have fun. You must be able to flirt with a woman in a way that makes her feel like she is back on the playground with her childhood crush.

Never forget that women are driven by their emotions. You must be able to talk to women in a way that brings on an emotional state within her. You can do this by talking about emotional topics like her passions, childhood, vacations, or any other conversation topics that evoke emotion.

You need to display that you are a socially intelligent man. If she gets the sense that you’ve got power, status and approval within this social scene, she’s going to be be automatically interested in you. It’s just how this stuff works! Like I said earlier, women are social creatures, and when they meet you and talk to you they’re looking for cues as to your social status. (Are you higher than her, which means you can possibly improve her status? Or are you lower, in which case she will LOSE status by being associated with you?) The great part is that you don’t necessarily have to have any of these. You just have to talk to a woman in the same way that these sort of men would talk to her. One of the keys is to talk to women in a way that suggests you have slight “social superiority,” without coming off as arrogant. It’s a rule of human nature: if a girl feels that you’re slightly above them on the social ladder, they’re going to want to “hitch their cart” to you and be a part of your world.

===>For a FREE MANUAL that explains specifically how to seduce women with your words, click here.

You have to talk to her in a way that brings out her sexual side. In reality, you can have a fascinating conversation with her about any number of topics (politics, sports, health trends, etc) but it’s not going to turn her on and make her want to sleep with you. To move out of the realm of “friendly conversation” and take it to a deeper, more intimate level, you’ll have to talk to her about more personal topics. This doesn’t mean you talk about sex… but it does mean that you don’t shy away from personal and intimate topics. The right topics will create a sense of “deep rapport” (where she feels bonded to you), and when that happens, it’s easy to move into the seduction phase.

Most guys don’t know how to carry a conversation with a woman, or talk to her in a way that makes her feel attracted to you. The vast majority of men are flat-out boring, or convey so much insecurity that women want to get away from them as fast as possible.

I know this because I’ve coached hundreds of guys on how to get better with girls. I’ve seen how badly most of them “freeze up” when they have an opportunity to talk to a really hot girl. Some guys don’t freeze up, and are able to start the conversation — but they come across as boring, needy or insecure. They might as well have kept their mouths shut, because they don’t stand a chance.

Women expect a man to be able to LEAD a conversation in a fun, flirty, and sexy way. Remember, she wants to feel SECURE and COMFORTABLE with you, which starts with you being comfortable with yourself and the situation. She feeds off of your energy. Then, if you can make her smile and laugh, you’re golden.

==>For a CHEAT SHEET of lines to say, click here.

You will be massively successful with women if you learn to talk to them in a way that makes them feel safe, secure and SEXY when they’re hanging out with you…and during this conversation (which you are in firm control of), the sexual tension is building beneath the surface. At that point, it’s about escalating (verbally AND physically) and knowing the right moment to give her the first kiss…

Are You Ready To Learn How To Take The Seduction To The Next Level?

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Copyright 2011 – How To Talk To Women

June 27, 2011 · Posted in Date Asian Girls  

Tips On How To Talk To Girls On The Phone

talk to girls
The problem of how to talk to girls on the phone has plagued men since the invention of the telephone. A classic tale, I must say.

The issue for men of how to effectively talk to girls on the phone, online or in person is prevalent. The worst part of it is that learning the skills on how to do it does not happen overnight. But dont fuss too much about it as I will give you tips on how to tackle this issue.

4 Tips On How To Talk To Girls On The Phone

Mind Conditioning

Before you pick up the phone and dial the girl’s number, condition your mind first. Most men easily succumb to the pursuer status because they want to please girls.

Fact: Girls are attracted to men they can’t have. If you become the pursuer, she becomes the prize and not you. So if you want her under the sheets with you, do not play the role of pursuer.

Find a Reason

When calling, do not just say “Hi”, “What are you doing?”, “I can’t stop thinking of you”, “Can we talk?” as you are going to sound “needy”. Again, the goal is to be the prize, not the pursuer.

Be observant and know what she’s like. Is there something that is noticeable about her? Does she love books? Do you like the way she dresses up? Say something like:

“Hey it’s my sister’s birthday on Monday and she likes books just like you. What do you think should I get for her?”

“Hi, I think you’re the best person to talk about music. You see, I’m preparing a party for a friend of mine on Saturday and I would love to create a playlist for him. What do you think would be the perfect songs to include in my list?”

Right this down, topics that has to do with relationship works wonders. One example is:

“I’m trying to help a friend out. What’s your opinion about men who still talk to their exes even if they already have a new girlfriend?”

It’s important that you don’t apologize for calling her. To cement the notion that you have a high social value, do not apologize for talking to her. If you apologize, you would look desperate.

Know What You Need to Say

Never dial a girl’s phone number if you don’t have a good reason to call her, otherwise you’ll sound like a fool.

It may be helpful to outline some topics you can talk about in case there’s a dead air in between your conversation. But the best way to keep the conversation going smoothly is by paying attention to what she’s saying. By listening intently, you will remember everything she’s talking about. If she’s talking about a good book she just read, ask her what makes it good or what’s it about and so on. You may inject “yeah, really? and haha” in between. Doing so would make her think you’re actually paying attention.

Always be Polite and Calm

Despite the fact that these tips are true-blue clichés, doing otherwise will definitely ruin your chances of hooking up with her. Regardless if you’ve memorized all the strategies about how to talk to girls on the phone, taking these 2 tips for granted can still blow your chances of hooking up with her.

Knowing how to talk to girls on the phone shouldn’t be so hard as long as you’re equipped with the right information from the person who knows a lot about macking. Click here for more info.

Download The MACK TACTICS Seduction System For $1

Copyright 2011 – How To Talk To Girls On Phone


June 16, 2011 · Posted in Date Asian Girls