How to Make Yourself an Asian Babe Magnet

| January 17, 2012

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Grooming is essential.

Making yourself attractive to Asian women begins with being properly groomed. They are extremely hygienic people. When you’re out meeting Asian women, or on a date, it’s always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. Wear long pants, not shorts. Shoes, not sneakers or sandals. A shirt with a collar. And you won’t win any points with a shaggy, unkempt hairstyle or a lot of facial hair.

You can’t go wrong with a clean-shaven look and a good haircut. And staying well-groomed goes beyond the hair on your head. If you have thick body hair, buy a pair of clippers and trim it down—or if you really want to look (and feel) smooth, have those parts of your body waxed. I also recommend picking up a small pair of clippers that can be used to trim the hair in your nostrils and ears, as well as your eyebrows.

(This might sound a little bit “feminine” to you, but women love a guy who is well-groomed—and remember, they’re used to being around Asian guys who have very little body hair. While a hairy chest looks masculine, no woman is turned on by thick hair on your back and shoulders, or sprouting out of your nose!)

Asian women also have a very keen sense of smell, and your smell is an indicator about your general level of cleanliness. If she detects any unsavory odors, you can forget about getting intimate with her later on.

Buy some decent cologne and use it (but don’t overdo it). If you’re clueless about cologne, just go to the mall and ask a saleswoman to recommend a good scent for men. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quick Asian women will be to notice your pleasant smell and compliment you on it.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Stay fit.

Obviously there are many reasons for you to exercise, watch what you eat, and stay in shape. But when it comes to attracting women, this is particularly important because of what it says about you. Men who stay in shape obviously care about, and value, themselves. This is an Alpha Male characteristic. Men who allow themselves to grow huge beer guts obviously do not value themselves so much—and if you don’t seem to care about yourself, what does that say about your ability to care for a woman?

The genetics of Western men give them a natural ability to build muscle, particularly in their arms and shoulders. It’s not so easy for Asian men to build up their physiques. Take advantage of this, and put in the effort to develop an upper body that women will notice. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym every day. Hit the weights a few days a week and get plenty of cardio exercise, and work on giving your torso a “V” shape so that your shoulders are a good deal wider than your waist.

Beautiful Asian women generally prefer men with lean muscle over hulking, square-jawed types. (Think of a professional soccer player vs. a professional wrestler.) When a guy’s muscles are too “pumped up” they might find it strange or intimidating, because these types of men rarely exist in their culture.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Be the decision maker and problem solver.

You’ll find that younger Asian women are generally not good at problem solving or coping with emergencies. This is because in a typical Asian household, the parents take care of everything for them (especially for the girls). The kids often lead very sheltered lives. It doesn’t matter whether they are rich are poor. The rich kids will be spoiled and pampered by nannies; the poor kids usually don’t ever venture beyond their neighborhood, and grow up lacking “real world” experience. They don’t have any of the social sophistication that we do as Westerners; we’re used to meeting new people from different backgrounds and trying new things. The worldview of an Asian girl who comes from a poor upbringing will be extremely limited.

The result is that as they get older, they aren’t equipped to deal with problems and will often “freak out” when they can’t figure out what to do. Something that you would consider to a minor annoyance—such as your car breaking down, losing your cell phone, etc.—can reduce an Asian woman to tears. This is when they will turn to you.

And, as I explained before, it’s important for you to be the decision-maker when you’re with an Asian woman. You don’t need to always ask for her input or suggestions when it’s time to make plans for next Friday night, or to decide where to eat or which movie to see. If you bring her to a restaurant where she isn’t familiar with the cuisine, order for her. Asian women appreciate if when you can be counted on to make good decisions. And they expect you, as a man, to be calm and strong when problems arise.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Show concern for her well-being.

Asian women love it when a man shows concern for their well-being and safety. How will she get home from your date? Don’t let her walk alone. Walk with her, or call her a taxi. At the end of a date (assuming she isn’t coming back to my place), I always ask the girl to text my phone when she gets home so that I know she arrived safely. I’ve noticed that women really like this. They always text me the moment they get to their place, and thank me for my concern. I text back, “I just wanted to make sure you are safe. Have a good sleep, talk to you tomorrow.”

This sticks in their mind—that you care about their safety. You just scored big points with her. I’ll do similar things when I’m with a girl at a crowded bar or nightclub. When she needs to go to the restroom, I’ll escort her. She may say “oh, you don’t need to,” but they’ll love it when you do. I’ll throw in a joke about me being her “American bodyguard” tonight. This always make them smile.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Be a gentleman, but with a playful, mysterious edge.

Cool Hollywood movie stars are worshipped in Asia—the guys who are strong, masculine presence and can take care of business, but have a boyish charm and a softer side. Think about the onscreen personas of actors like Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, and George Clooney. They’re all huge stars in Asia due to their combination of masculinity and playful, boyish charm.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Be intelligent and well-spoken.

Asian women have a lot of respect for intelligence, wisdom and education. (Which is one reason why they are attracted to older men.) You can’t talk to Asian women the same way you talk with your buddies when you’re drinking beer at the bar. Don’t speak loudly, don’t use foul language, and most importantly…

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Be a good listener.

Most Western guys have such a hard time succeeding with women, that when they do meet a girl who seems interested in them, they’ll “talk her ear off” and try to impress her by talking about their money, their accomplishments, etc.—or, they’ll constantly joke around and try to keep things funny and superficial. These guys behave as if they know they only have a narrow window of opportunity to impress the girl, so they throw everything they’ve got at her. This approach only seems desperate.

Asian girls require a more delicate, subtle approach. Ask her thoughtful questions. Prompt her to share things about herself, and show your appreciation for what she has to say. As a rule of thumb, if you’re doing more than 40% of the talking, you’re talking too much—and not listening enough.

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Any friend of yours that you introduce her to must reflect positively on you.

There’s a Japanese proverb that says, “When you’re unsure about the character of a man, look at his friends.” In other words, the people we surround ourselves with are a reflection of the type of person we are. If you hang out with guys who dress like “gangstas” or “homeboys,” or get drunk and rowdy, women will perceive you to be the same way. (Asian women are particularly turned-off by guys who are loud in public, and can’t hold their alcohol.)

On the other hand, if your friends are charming, friendly, well-dressed and well-spoken, and obviously hold you in high regard, women will be automatically impressed by you.

Asian women don’t go for “bad boys” the same way that Western women do. Like I said before, it’s good to have an element of mischief and playfulness to your personality. Don’t be nervous, uptight and predictable. But if you look like you’re in a motorcycle gang, or dress like a wanna-be rapper, don’t expect high-quality Asian women to give you a second look. And if you’re the type of guy who behaves aggressively and gets into confrontations when he’s out at the bars, you won’t score any “macho” points. Asian women will be terrified of you.

On a side note, a lot of men think that covering themselves in tattoos looks tough, cool and trendy. Well, just consider that in Asian cultures, prison gangs and criminal organizations like the Yakuza identify themselves with tattoos. Even if she’s able to overlook your ink, her family might be mortified. (This won’t be an issue if you’re only hanging out with bargirls; they often sport crude, home-made tattoos themselves.)

Be an Asian Babe Magnet: Be emotionally stable and even-tempered.

Asian women are deeply embarrassed by men who get loud and angry in public. Never argue with an Asian woman in a public place, as this causes her to lose “face.” Similarly, never get angry or verbally abusive with people like waiters, taxi drivers, annoying beggars and street vendors, etc. If you spend time in poorer Asian countries, you’ll have to deal with incompetent and irritating locals on a daily basis, whether it’s a waitress screwing up for your food order, or a beggar who won’t leave you alone. Look at these situations as opportunities to demonstrate to your woman what a calm, cool guy you are, who can find always find a reason to smile.

In Thailand, you will constantly hear the expression “My Pen Rai.” It means, “no big deal.” As Buddhists—and people who’ve often found a way to survive under very poor, difficult conditions—they don’t sweat the small stuff the way Westerners do. You’ll need to start practicing the same philosophy if you want to make Asian women feel comfortable with you.

Category: Asian Babe

About the Author ()

Dean Cortez is an international playboy and the creator of "Mack Tactics," which is widely considered to be the #1 system ever created for creating attraction with women and achieving your ultimate dating life.

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